Monday, January 18, 2010

Just a wee-bit busy

Yeah. My last update had me saying I turned in my notice, which I did. And my new job started on the 4th. It's been great! There is just one thing. My old job didn't exactly let me go. Not complaining. I love being needed. But now I'm just working from home. It's been fun: caring for an infant and a 2 year-old and working trying to keep up with the work that's pouring in from the office. So, my dreams of feeding kids, then everyone napping for a few hours while my house stays in pristine condition, and I get to spend my time in devotions, blogs, tweets, and crafts to my hearts extent have been crushed. Destroyed. In fact, I can't even finish this post because the kids are waking! Needless to say, switching gears to a stay-at-home mom has been eye-opening. And I love it.


  1. E, I am sure you will find a way to get it all done. You are amazing! I am thrilled you get to be at home with Samuel. I wish I was feeling better & we would come over and take the boys to the park. xoxo

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